ID: NEWS2023-No.4
Time: June 23, 2023
Place: Harbin, China
Event: On June 19, 2023, GDU technical experts Mr. Yuan Xue and Mr. Shuai Song are invited by Prof. Qiquan Quan to participate in a workshop on data flow and communication protocols of UAV in Harbin. The workshop is held at the Volga Manor, Harbin.
Mr. Yuan Xue and Mr. Shuai Song have a deep technical exchange with Prof. Qiquan Quan, Prof. Peng Liu, Prof. Rui Wu of Harbin Institute of Technology, engineers and graduate students of the Aerospace Mechanism Testing (AMT) laboratory in data flow and communication protocols. During the meeting, Prof. Qiquan Quan introduces the current progress of development of the Mars rotorcraft of Harbin Institute of Technology; Mr. Kaijie Zhu reports the general design of the Mars rotorcraft; Mr. Bo Tang reports the design of the rotor system of the Mars rotorcraft, and Mr. Huanhe Wang reports the design of the communication protocols.
After the meeting, Prof. Qiquan Quan accompanies Mr. Yuan Xue and Mr. Shuai Song to have lunch together at Volga Manor.

This article is contributed by Bo Tang.