ID: NEWS2018-No.5
Time: December 30, 2018
Place: Harbin, China
Event: At one o’clock in the afternoon, Aerospace Mechanism Testing (AMT) laboratory held the 2018 year-end party on time. Firstly everyone reviewed and summed up his or her achievements in 2018, and talked about his or her plan of 2019. Then Prof. Dewei Tang summarized the achievements of the AMT laboratory in 2018 on behalf of Dr. Quan. Subsequently, the 2018 Photography Contest was held by secret ballot, and Mr. Hui Zhu won the best photo award and a bonus of ¥1000. The photo—Venice—will be set as a cover photo of the AMT laboratory homepage forever. AMT will hold the annual photography contest at every end of the year. Then Mr. Pengyue Zhao read AMT’s annual summary report of 2018. We have a fruitful and pleasant 2018. Finally, Prof. Dewei Tang prospected for AMT laboratory development in 2019. At night, all members of AMT laboratory gathered together in Shangju Dumpling cafeteria to greet the arrival of the new year 2019.