ID: NEWS2019-No.6
Time: August 19, 2019
Place: Harbin, China
Event: Invited by Prof. Zongquan Deng, Prof. Shugen Ma from Ritsumeikan University paid a visit to Research Center for Aerospace Mechanism and Control in August 16 to 19, 2019. Prof. Shugen Ma gave us an academic lecture on “Design and control of environment-adaptive robots” in the afternoon of August 19, which is presided over by Prof. Dewei Tang. The faculty members attending this report include Prof. Dewei Tang, Prof. Jianguo Tao, Prof. Yingxiang Liu, A/Prof. Qiquan Quan and A/Prof. Gangfeng Liu. Prof. Shugen Ma will serve the IROS 2022 as the general chair. IROS is an influential international conference in robotics research field and IROS 2022 will be held in Kyoto, Japan. Professor Ma invited the professors and graduate students to attend the international conference in 2022.
Biography of Prof. Shugen Ma:
Prof. Shugen Ma received his Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering Science from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan) in 1991. From 1991 to 1992 he was a Research Engineer with Komatsu Ltd and from 1992 to 1993 he was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Riverside (USA). He joined the Department of Systems Engineering, Ibaraki University, Japan, as an Assistant Professor in July 1993. In October 2005, he moved to Ritsumeikan University, where he is currently a professor in the Department of Robotics. He was awarded by the “Hundred Talent Program” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for 2001 and the national “Thousand Talents Plan” in 2014. He also stayed in Johns Hopkins University (USA) as a Visiting Professor in 2014. His current research interests include the design and control of environment-adaptive robots, field robotics, and Bio-robotics. He has published over 400 papers in refereed professional journal and international conference proceedings with around 4500 citations. He has also developed more than 30 novel robot systems, filed 60 patents, and supervised 38 doctoral students to graduation. He is a fellow of the IEEE, a fellow of the JSME, and a member of the SICE and the Robotics Society of Japan. He was an associate Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Robotics from December 2003 to November 2007, an Editor of Advanced Robotics from April 2007, and serves many societies and conferences.