ID: NEWS2022-No.10
Time: November 09, 2022
Place: Harbin, China
Event: Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) is a kind of model-based algorithm design and semi-physical simulation. RCP allows researchers to focus on abstract aspects such as model building and algorithm design, without concentrating on programming and debugging. The AMT laboratory successfully builds the RCP target computer with the help of the abundant modules provided in Simulink Real-Time. The target computer can be used with FPGA to provide adequate I/O interfaces, while the target file system allows researchers to record large amounts of process data. Users can connect the target I/O interface with the controlled object to achieve real-time simulation. The recorded data in the test process can be employed to optimize the control algorithm.
This work is completed by Yuanxu Wu and Qiukui Zhang. This article is contributed by Yuanxu Wu.