ID: NEWS2022-No.1
Time: June 28, 2022
Place: Harbin, China
Event: On June 28, Yikang Jin, Ju Liu, Xin Ai, Zhiyuan Kong, Hao Kang, Xinqing Sun, Cheng Cheng, Chuanjie Xu, Shengan Xiong, Qi Wu and Bo Tang, the master students of Aerospace Mechanism Testing Laboratory (AMT), worked hard and managed to pass their thesis defenses. Zhihui Sun, the undergraduate of AMT, passed the thesis defense successfully. AMT held a graduation farewell party for everyone in the “985 Seating” Restaurant. Teachers and students from the AMT took part in the farewell party together.
Yikang Jin finished his thesis titled “Design of an Ultrasonic Drill Generator and Research on Resonance Control Algorithm” won the award of “Excellent Master Degree Dissertation of Harbin Institute of Technology”, he will join Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Ju Liu finished his thesis titled “Design and Optimization of Variable Meta-Structure Solar Radiation Thruster” and will join Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology. Xin Ai finished his thesis titled “Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Asteroid Obstructive Landing Based on Electromagnetic Damping Buffer” and will join Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Zhiyuan Kong finished his thesis titled “Study On Cross Section Configuration And Anchoring Performance Of Asteroid Ultrasonic Drilling” and will join SZ DJI Technology Co., Ltd. Hao Kang finished his thesis titled “A Distributed Monocular Vision Pose Measurement Method for Automatic Docking of Cartridge and Its Experimental Verification” and will join Chongqing Chang’an Automobile Co., Ltd. Xinqing Sun finished his thesis titled “Design and tensile assembly study of piezoelectric transducer for ultrasonic metal welding” and will join Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Cheng Cheng finished his thesis titled “Design and Experimental Study on Steering Drive System of Mars Helicopter” and will join Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Chuanjie Xu finished his thesis titled “Development of Small Range Photoelectric Static Torque Sensor” and will join China Aerospace Science and Industry Fourth Academy Nanjing Chenguang Group Co., Ltd. Shengan Xiong finished his thesis titled “Design and experimental study of the main rotor drive system of The Mars Helicopter” and will join Luoyang electro optic equipment Research Institute of AVIC. Qi Wu finished his thesis titled “Electromagnetic attitude control method and experimental study of a swashplateless rotor” and decide to stay at Harbin Institute of Technology to pursue his PhD degrees. Bo Tang finished his thesis titled “On Airfoil and Tip Influence to Hover Performance of Mars Rotorcraft Blade” and decide to stay at Harbin Institute of Technology to pursue his PhD degrees. Zhihui Sun will join AVIC Optronics.